Hi. My name is Atalie (pronounced like Natalie).

Art and design are my endless joys. I also enjoy learning, in fact, I relish opportunities to learn new things. I have spent the better part of the past decade balancing family life with achieving an undergraduate degree in the hopes that I can apply my degree in a professional setting. To see how I am doing with this check out my design business, The Design Fox.

As an artist, I do not see myself fitting into any particular niche, I am not strictly a designer, or painter, or photographer, or illustrator. I am all of these! I love diversity and experimenting with new ideas and mediums, though there are some common themes that became apparent in my drawing and photography work. I inadvertently kept coming back to children’s themes. I thought it was because I had toys aplenty littering the surfaces of our house, but now that the children are grown and we have considerably fewer about, I find myself searching for them to use in my art. I have even started collecting them again specifically for that purpose. I am fascinated by the thoughts, ideas and imaginations of children and I love exploring those themes in my art.

Please view my portfolio and show The Design Fox some love then contact me with your comments and insights.